Flax seeds are rich in fibre and are known to facilitate digestion and treat chronic constipation. To start the day off well, and to get that satisfying full feeling, sprinkle a spoonful of ground flax seeds into a light dairy product: skimmed milk or 0% fat yoghurt. The fibres in the flax seeds will naturally contribute to the sensation of fullness. This means you won't be snacking on fatty and / or sugary foods. Flax seeds can also be added to a salad of raw vegetables, a fruit salad, or a glass of fresh fruit juice. To be effective, the consumption of flax seeds must be spread over several months and be limited to 3 teaspoons per day. Flax seeds have other beneficial properties! However, there are some side effects, so it's best to talk with a dietitian or nutritionist before integrating these seeds into a sustainable diet.
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